Historical context of prejudiciality in the civil proceedings of the Slovak Republic
case law, legal certainty, prejudiciality, res iudicata, binding forceAbstract
Prejudiciality is an institute that also concerns the unity of the legal system and the jurisdictional organisation. Its proper legal regulation should ensure no discrepancy in resolving conflicts assigned to the various judges and courts that make up the judiciary. The institute of prejudiciality permeates the entire civil process. It is related to the basic procedural principles such as legal certainty the independence of judicial decision-making. The article aims to take a closer look at the historical development of this institute in the past and especially in the legal order of the Slovak Republic. The intention is reduced to Roman law and following the Slovak legal environment. At the same time, it is impossible to circumvent the connection with the legislation in the Czech Republic and their common roots in the Austria-Hungary empire. We were interested in whether the current legislation is based on its roots or has already deviated from them. This perception is essential to know the essence of a legal institute. The result is a comprehensive vision that also opens the door to the changes needed for the future.
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