Preliminary negotiation of the dispute as a vision of effective judicial proceedings


  • Veronika Václavová Matej Bel University, Faculty of law, Komenského 20, 974 01 Banská Bystrica.



civil process, preliminary discussion of the dispute, optionality, adversary, economy, efficiency, default judgment, settlement, res judicata


The presented article discusses the new institution of the recoded civil process, namely the institution of preliminary discussion of the dispute, the purpose of which is to conclude a settlement and its regulation in Act no. 160/2015 Coll. Slovak Republic, The Civil Procedure Code, as amended. The aim of the contribution is to point out the potential of the given institute and its validity in the Slovak legal order, while the author emphasizes the need for its greater use in judicial practice, while based on her own experience, theoretical starting points and codes, she will evaluate the importance of introducing the given institute into the Slovak legal order. The author is also of the opinion that through the preliminary discussion of the dispute, the court proceedings can be made more efficient since even though the purpose of the given institute is primarily to conclude a settlement, its goal is also to speed up the dispute proceedings and ensure its procedural economy.


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How to Cite

Václavová, V. (2023). Preliminary negotiation of the dispute as a vision of effective judicial proceedings. Legestic, 1, 27–33.


